The Old City of Akko

Monday, September 19, 2011

Grand Canyon National Park, North Rim

Way back in August, I talked about the Widforss Trail on the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. Now I have additional information about that trail.
It's a back track trail that is 5 miles long, making it a total of 10 miles hiking. You don't end up where you think you should. As a visitor to the Lodge on the North Rim, you look west to a camel back point and think, that's where the Widforss trail must go because the rincon wall, to the north, is part of that trail. But there is a surprise awaiting you because after you travel 2 1/2 miles and find yourself at #14's point of interest, as per the park's handout, the trail turns southwest and heads into an aspen meadow. With hills lining both sides, so you no longer see the canyon, you are guided down the middle of a delightfully green wildlife pasture. After several miles you start to climb out of that peacful meadow to finish your hike back along the ridge of the canyon.....but it isn't on the Transept Canyon. There are several fingers at this point, some of which you think, gee, I could get over to that view if I only went this way or that way.
If we would have taken advantage of our backpacking/camping pass for Midforss Point, we might have been able to explore, but it was raining so we changed our mind and rented camping spots at the campgrounds.
Clouds were moving in and out of the main corridor of the canyon. They were below us making for a photographers dream. The light was moving with the clouds so all you had to do was keep your triger finger on that shutter release and you would get outstanding images. Anyone camping on the Tonto Platform or at Phantom Ranch got soaked. We just moved into the Lodge as the rain moved up on to the north rim. When the sun went down I only had 3 spaces for images left on my San Disk.

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