The Old City of Akko

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Cumbria, England, continued

On this glorious hike through England's Lake country, at least once a day, we would come upon a ruin. Some times it was a castle, other times it was a tavern, stable, outbuildings and a family home along the Old Roman Highway. It's always amazing to me how such large families lived in such small quarters. Since Rome ruled during the time of Christ, we're talking 2,000 years ago. In England, buildings, homes, fences were all built in stone. With the rain fall they get, it would not have lasted 200 years if it had been built out of wood. Some of the stone steps, that were outside, are worn down 4-6". That's a lot of feet shuffling up and down over hundreds of years. England has a very long history.

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